In message <>, Tomas H
ozza writes:
> Hi.
> I'm trying to disable DNSSEC/EDNS for the lwresd using the
> following lwresd.conf:
> options {
>       directory "/var/named/";
>       dnssec-enable no;
>       dnssec-validation no;
>       pid-file "/run/named/";
>       session-keyfile "/run/named/session.key";
> };
> lwres {
>       search {example1.;};
>       ndots 1;
> };
> But it seems that the 'dnssec-enable no;' statement has no
> influence on the EDNS usage in queries sent by lwresd.

"dnssec-enable no;" controls how named responds to DO=1 queries.
It is a no-op to lwresd as it is not processing DNS requests.
> I was able to disable EDNS when lwres is run as named
> using:
> server {
>         edns no;
> };
> server ::/0 {
>         edns no;
> };

Just add the server clauses to lwresd.conf.

"lwresd -c lwresd.conf" is running as lwresd
"lwresd -C resolv.conf" is running as lwresd
"lwresd" is the same as "lwresd -C /etc/resolv.conf"

"named -c named.conf" (with a lwres clause) is running as both named and lwresd
"named -c named.conf" (without a lwres clause) is running as just named

> in the configuration. However I was not able to disable EDNS
> when running lwresd.
> We have a user that would like to disable EDNS to reduce the
> overhead it adds and improve the performance. The DNSSEC is
> not a priority for them.
> Is there way to disable DNSSEC/EDNS for lwresd?
> Thank you in advance.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Tomas Hozza
> Software Engineer - EMEA ENG Developer Experience
> PGP: 1D9F3C2D
> Red Hat Inc.                     
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