On 05/08/14 02:01, Dave Warren wrote:
> On 2014-05-07 15:54, Lawrence K. Chen, P.Eng. wrote:

>> Though it was just a minor delay....for them to revert back to the old site,
>> until they migrated their email accounts to the CNAME site as well....
> You still can't CNAME the APEX of a zone even if you do migrate your email
> accounts to the CNAME site as you can't have a CNAME and SOA/NS records at the
> same level.

You're quoting out of context.....I wasn't talking about CNAME for my APEX,
but CNAME for somebody's host...they used to do their own website, while using
our central email service.  But asking to change their hostname to be a CNAME
to an outside web hosting provider...kind of broke their email until they
moved to using the web hosting's email service.  Don't know if they moved
their accounts there, or just defined aliases up there to send it back to our
system....  on our side I had virtusertable entries to map the store email
addresses to their real accounts, though we switched email providers
recently...and I recently heard rumblings that some subdomains wanting to use
google apps to solve the problems they're having with our email provider.

Which is easier for those that have their subdomains delegated to
them....though I haven't been told that I need to stop fulfilling requests to
add verification strings for other department subdomains....

Who: Lawrence K. Chen, P.Eng. - W0LKC - Sr. Unix Systems Administrator
For: Enterprise Server Technologies (EST) -- & SafeZone Ally
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