Why the different RCODES? See RFC 2308. Short version: the "NODATA" response occurs when the QNAME exists, but no records match QTYPE. It will also occur if the QNAME is merely a "branch" to something further down in the hierarchy (a so-called "empty non-terminal"), and owns no records of its own.

I'm not sure why NODATA would inhibit search-suffixing, but I just confirmed on a Linux platform that it does. Weird.

                                        - Kevin

On 5/29/2014 2:40 PM, Jiann-Ming Su wrote:
What could cause BIND to respond with reply code 0x8083 (no such name) vs 
0x8080 (no error)?

I have an app doing srv queries without the domain name appended.  One time, 
server will respond with no such name (flags 0x8083) which causes the app to 
query again with domain name appended.  Another time, the DNS server responds 
with no error (flags 0x8080) which causes the app to query again without the 
domain suffix appended.

I may very well be debugging an application problem, but I'm curious as to why 
BIND would respond with different codes.  Thanks for any insights.

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