Truly, you need to upgrade.  The latest BIND 9 should still build
and run on Solaris 8 though that hasn't been tested in years.  You
will need to install a C99 or later based compiler.

As to your question you have the query source address, the query
name, the query type and the query class seperated by / characters.


In message <>
, Samad Agha writes:
> Hi All,
> Can someone please tell me exactly what the two entries below from
> query.log file mean?
> 15-Jul-2014 16:24:27.042 queries: XX /
> 15-Jul-2014 16:24:34.100 queries: XX /
> I'm running BIND 8.2.4 on Solaris 8
> root@bmw:/export/home/dns # in.named -v
> in.named BIND 8.2.4 Tue Jul 13 06:04:59 PDT 2004
>         Generic Patch-5.8-July 2004
Mark Andrews, ISC
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