On 02/03/2015 05:09 PM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
On Tue, 3 Feb 2015, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

I am trying to find out which comcast server is authoritative for

and when the zone file for the ptr rr was last updated.

I was told a week ago that the ptr would be updated, but I am still
not seeing any change...

I am not really good at keeping good notes on using dig.
Have a look at output from:

dig +trace PTR

dig 254.253.50.in-addr.arpa SOA

Thanks this shows that the supposed update over the weekend probably did not occur and that is why I am still seeing the default ptr RR. I was assured 24 hour turn around time one month ago.

I suppose if you buy their domain hosting, it 'just works'.

I suspect I will not want them to be the secondary NS for my domain, so I am again looking for secondary DNS service that I can afford...

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