Hi Marco

Great question and I'm looking forward to any advice you get.

I'm currently using the following regex on our BIND resolvers but they
are broken:

header   => 'DNSSEC error: parent indicates it should be secure',
pattern  => 'validating \@0x\w+: (.*): got insecure response; parent
indicates it should be secure',

header   => 'DNSSEC warning: RRSIG has expired',
pattern  => 'validating @0x\w+: (.*): verify failed due to bad signature
\(.*\): RRSIG has expired',

header   => 'DNSSEC warning: RRSIG validity period has not begun',
pattern  => 'validating @0x\w+: (.*): verify failed due to bad signature
\(.*\): RRSIG validity period has not begun',

header   => 'DNSSEC notice: bad cache hit',
pattern  => 'validating @0x\w+: (.*): bad cache hit \(.*\)',

header   => 'DNSSEC notice: invalid signature, possibly island of security',
pattern  => 'validating @0x\w+: (.*): no valid signature found',

The only good ones are the "verify failed due to bad signature" log
entries. All others are error prone and contain false positives. e.g.:

Mar  5 06:24:27 bagana named[6776]: 05-Mar-2015 06:24:27.103 dnssec:
info:   validating @0x7ffad63d1080: com SOA: got insecure response;
parent indicates it should be secure
Mar  5 13:32:52 bagana named[6776]: 05-Mar-2015 13:32:52.225 dnssec:
info:   validating @0x7ffad60ccd20: com SOA: got insecure response;
parent indicates it should be secure


On 05.03.15 13:55, Marco Davids (SIDN) wrote:
> Hi,
> What would be a good way to configure BIND-logging, or rather to filter 
> DNSSEC-validation errors from that logging?
> Unbound logs stuff like this:
> Mar  5 12:58:47 xs unbound: [16331:0] info: validation failure <example.nl. A 
> IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key example.nl.nl. while building 
> chain of trust
> That's great for parsing and finding domain names with DNSSEC issues.
> BIND logs various, less unambiguous kinds of messages, like:
> dnssec.log:05-Mar-2015 12:58:24.767 dnssec: info: validating example.nl/A: 
> got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
> and, for the same request: 
> lame-servers.log:05-Mar-2015 12:58:24.742 lame-servers: info: insecurity 
> proof failed resolving 'example.nl/A/IN':
> It even logs an informational message when the domain is signed, but there is 
> no DS-record in the parent (which to me does not count as a DNSSEC-validation 
> problem):
> dnssec.log:05-Mar-2015 12:48:37.969 dnssec: info: validating 
> www.example.nl/A: no valid signature found
> What would be the best, unambiguous string(s) to grep for, in order to find 
> domain names that have validation-problems?
> Please advise.
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