On 09/03/2015 01:45 PM, Leandro wrote:
Dear All:
While installing bind still have not clear some issues:
Im using Centos 6.6 since Im not very comfortable with Centos7 yet.

My final goal is to get an updated and stable version and also use json format for the statistics channel.

1) Some bind users recommended to get at least a 9.10 release but:
Using yum and repos, founded that 9.8 is available for Centos 6.6.
Also , Centos recommend not to build from source when possible.

2)Building bind 9.10 from source is not complicated but:
Could not install on chroot.
Could not get the json or xml statistics , only html.

If you need 9.10 for json, and you want to stay with Centos, you WILL be doing your own builds. I am working with C7 and it is 'only' 9.9.4 (or at least that is what dig is reporting).

There are a lot of fun debates that if you are using selinux on Centos, you do not need chroot. In fact chroot introduces its own set of challenges. I tend to believe this, though it was years ago that I went through the arguments.

There are people on the Centos list that build their own bind. Ask over there.

Any ideas ?
Is possible to update / add my repos to install a recent version with json support and chrooted with: If not , Is it possible to build from source in chrooted enviroment ? Any doc ?

btw: Server is not in production yet.


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