On 01/22/2016 05:30 PM, Rama Krishna Prasad Chunduru wrote:
Hi All,
    I am trying to use RPZ ( Response Policy Zone) in DNS views (BIND
9.8.2) but i am getting the below error

service named restart

Stopping named:                                            [  OK ]

Starting named:

Error in named configuration:

/etc/named.conf:92: when using 'view' statements, all zones must be in views


That error message is pretty clear. :)

Whenever you edit named.conf, especially if you're doing it by hand, you should run named-checkconf and make sure you don't get any errors. That's what the service script is doing for you, and it's even telling you exactly which line to look at (92).

view  "second-key-view" {



             //key secret-key;


    zone "bbc.com <http://bbc.com>"


      type master;

      file "views/firstkey";

      allow-query  {none;};


    response-policy {

          zone "youtube.com <http://youtube.com>";



You ended the view with the close-curly-bracket immediately above. You probably want to comment out (or completely remove) the zone declaration below.

zone "youtube.com <http://youtube.com>"


    type master;

     file "dummy-block";

    allow-query  {none;};


view  ...

hope this helps,


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