Am 15.09.2016 um 17:19 schrieb Benny Pedersen:
On 2016-09-15 15:42, John Levine wrote:
Problem is procmail + postfix with rbl's ( and others).

Really big problem are spam botnet's and some day we can get over 5-6
million messages per day or even more.

Procmail/postfix is doing every check per msg at localdns (localdns =>
rbl's) server and average check time is 1-2 sec per message and it's
too much.

I agree that bind is likely not the best DNS cache for this purpose.
You might look at unbound.

i hear the opposite, unbound have dnssec issues that is not in bind


unbound would need forward first in forward zone else it serves stale
data, since unbound miss forward only, i have no problem with bind there

besides it's not true (i remember your mail on the SA list pretending that nonsense - read the docs and read this - exactly the context where you pretended stale data because missing forward-first statement which is nonsense) for the task of the OP *no forwarding must happen* at all

you either do *only* forwarding for a zone - "forward first" would lead to recursion too if no forwarding response or you do recursion without any forwarding

we talk about a inbound mailserver - nothing else
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