On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 01:00:22PM +0000, Ray Bellis wrote:
> On 21/12/2016 12:57, Harshith Mulky wrote:
> > So I wanted to understand some things about this Domain
> > 
> > A. Why are there 2 $ORIGIN directives?
> Because someone thought they were being clever? :)

named itself does this in automatically-generated zone files, but 
that's no reason for a human editor of zone files to do the same.

> > B. Can the above be replaced as below
> Yes, and you could even remove the trailing `atlanta.com.` on some 
> of those records.
> > $ORIGIN atlanta.com.

Furthermore this too could be omitted, since:

        zone "atlanta.com" IN { ...

a zone statement implicitly sets $ORIGIN to the name of the zone.

> > $TTL 86400  ; 1 day
> > @ IN SOA  local.atlanta.com. master.atlanta.com. (

These names could be relative rather than absolute:

@       IN      SOA     local master (

> >                 2001062522 ; serial
> >                 21600      ; refresh (6 hours)
> >                 3600       ; retry (1 hour)
> >                 604800     ; expire (1 week)
> >                 86400      ; minimum (1 day)
> >                 )
> >             NS  local.atlanta.com.
> >             NS  kabulvm8.atlanta.com.

and these, likewise.

                NS      local
                NS      kabulvm8

> > ;A Records
> > local           A
> > kabulvm8        A
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