Hi All,

Back in December 2016, I worked on a problem in which a particular hostname (a 
website) would not resolve from our DNS servers, but Level3, Google DNS, and 
OpenDNS resolved it.  It was clear that somewhere outside our network there was 
policy (security or otherwise) that prevented us from getting the resolution.  
It was not easy to get the website owners to work on this from their side, but 
eventually the problem was corrected.  How this case is relevant to bind-users 
is that we implement RPZs and I had hoped that I could add the hostname to the 
RPZ zone and return to clients the IP that I knew was correct (from Level3, 
OpenDNS).  However, I was told by our vendor that that was no possible because 
RPZs only trigger when there is an actual resolution for the queried A record.

Doing some reading today, I came across Paul Vixie's (creator of DNS RPZ) 
article "What are the features of the DNS RPZ firewall?" on the ISC.org site 
(https://deepthought.isc.org/article/AA-00516/0).  There he lists the triggers 
that a DNS RPZ honors.  Here is the section:

In a DNS firewall based on DNS RPZ, each rule can use one of four policy 
triggers and specify one of four policy actions.

A response policy in DNS RPZ can be triggered as follows:

  1.          by the query name.
  2.          by an address which would be present in a truthful response.
  3.          by the name or address of an authoritative name server 
responsible for publishing the original response.

So, there it is: trigger 1 is what I was looking for.

Our DNS platform is BIND based, and I don't understand why the vendor's 
implementation (mostly ISC code from my understanding) does not comport itself 
according to Paul Vixie's specs above.  Instead it has added a dependency in 
which the server must receive a response in order for a response policy action 
to be triggered.

Has anyone here had any experience with this behavior, or do you think the 
vendor must add this "feature" to its BIND flavor?



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