On 02/09/2017 09:31 AM, Ray Bellis wrote:
On 09/02/2017 14:28, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I am migrating to Centos7 from Centos6.  Going from Bind 9.8.2 to 9.9.4,
I am building this on a new server.  I currently do not have DNSSEC
enabled, and not enabling it for the initial migration work.

I have looked over changes in named.conf and believe I have made the
necessary changes.  My named.conf is  loading as are the zone files.
This is what 'systemctl -l status named' shows:
I'd suggest that you try starting named manually with the '-g' flag so
that it sends all output to stderr without forking.

This should hopefully reveal why it's failing to start.

Since I use systemctl to start the service, I would have to do some digging to figure out something like this that i haven't done in a couple decades. :)

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