Dear all,

I have a domain which is protected using DNSSEC.

The zone is managed on a server located in a data center.

Some A records are pointing to a computer that has a low speed internet connection on the WAN site, but very fast connection on the LAN site.

If I know located in this LAN and I resolve the hostname (in this LAN also bind9.10 is running), I will get the IP of the WAN connection and the traffic is flowing out of the interface where the standard gateway is defined, goes to the provider and is coming back over a tunnel using the WAN connection. I can explain it more in detail, but the routing should not be important for the question I have.

Now I would like to overwrite some of the A records from my zone (I have full access to public and private key for DNSSEC). Some CNAMEs will point to this A record, so I have to change only the IP from the A record, all other CNAMEs can be handled by the offical bind that it reachable on the internet.

Normally I would use RPZ to handle this, but it seems that this will not work if the A record is using DNSSEC (at least the manual says that it will not rewrite the A record if DNSSEC is used to protect the A record).

So what I would like to have:
- if I resolve from external it should reolve to the official IP that is reachable from the internet - if I resolve from my local LAN it should return the internal IP like, that is only reachable from the LAN

What is the suggested (best practise) approach to handle such a case with bind 9.10?

Thanks a lot.



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