On 18.05.17 21:13, Evan Hunt wrote:
At ISC we've recently been discussing the idea of deprecating the
lightweight resolver interface as of BIND 9.12. This means removing lwresd
and liblwres, and deprecating the lwres statement in named.conf.  (Note
that they would remain available in earlier releases; BIND 9.11 will be
supported for several years yet.)

Before we decide to do this, it would be helpful to know whether there are
any legacy applications depending on it. Based on the number of support
questions we get about lwresd (i.e., pretty close to none) there aren't
many, but perhaps they're just quiet.  Do you run lwresd or named-with-
lwres?  Do you have code that links with liblwres?  If so, please let me

I tried using it some 10 years ago. I had strange results related to rrset
ordering (with nss_dns the bind-provided ordering worked, with ndd_lwres I
got re-sorted IPs) so I disabled it.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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