Thanks for the response, Tony. Responses in-line.

On May 30, 2017, at 5:51 AM, Tony Finch <> wrote:

> Chris Buxton <> wrote:
>> dns_master_load: bad escape
>> dns_master_load: bad escape
>> mhtswfw-dellfi01\342\200\223mgmt A
>> mhtswfw-dellfi02\342\200\223mgmt A
> Snigger. That's an en dash (U+2013, UTF-8 E2 80 93) encoded as
> octal escapes. Master file binary escapes are decimal :-)
> (Extra irony that Mockapetris was working on a PDP-10 which
> loved octal.)

That's amazing. The escapes come from Microsoft DNS, of course, so this seems 
like a bug in Microsoft's implementation.

>> There are NS records pointing to these names. The names belong to the
>> zone I'm trying to compile. But the names are not defined. I would have
>> expected that '-i none' would have allowed it to skip these errors. but
>> it doesn't.
> Yes, BIND insists very strongly that name servers have addresses.

But it didn't used to do so. This seems like a bug to me, even if it is working 
as designed. The design is faulty. Any comment from ISC?

The purpose of this workflow is to standardize how data from Microsoft DNS 
exports are migrated into a BIND server. This problem is making the job harder.

Chris Buxton
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