In message <>, Mik J via 
bind-users writes:
> Hello,
> Do you know where I can find the signification of DNS syslog messages ?

In the Administrators Reference Manual

Search for querylog

> client x.x.x.x#64111 ( query:
> IN AAAA + (y.y.y.y)=> I'm looking for the signification of the +
> client z.z.z.z#39953 ( query: IN
> A -ED (y.y.y.y)=> I'm looking for the signification of the -EC
> Thank you

The query log entry first reports a client object identifier in
@0x<hexadecimal-number> format. Next, it reports the client’s IP
address and port number, and the query name, class and type. Next,
it reports whether the Recursion Desired flag was set (+ if set, -
if not set), if the query was signed (S), EDNS was in used along
with the EDNS version number (E(#)), if TCP was used (T), if DO
(DNSSEC Ok) was set (D), if CD (Checking Disabled) was set (C), if
a valid DNS Server COOKIE was received (V), or if a DNS COOKIE
option without a valid Server COOKIE was present (K). After this
the destination address the query was sent to is reported.

client (www.example. com) IN
AAAA +SE client ::1#62537 (

(The first part of this log message, showing the client address/port
number and query name, is repeated in all subsequent log messages
related to the same query.)

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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