Am 14.09.2017 um 14:21 schrieb Tony Finch:
Mukund Sivaraman <> wrote:

Missing a trailing period(.)

Here's a fun trick to avoid making this mistake: use FQDNs everywhere in
the zone file, and use the directive

        $ORIGIN .

so that it doesn't matter whether you have the trailing . or not.

Downside, of course, is that you have to repeat your domain name about a
gazillion times.

scripting is the better answer

our toolset just would have added to "" at final dot because it contains more than one dot like it would to with "" while "mail.example" would not get touched sicne it's clearly a subdmain

how often do you have "sub.sub.sub" within a zone and how often it's a external server - if you really need "sub.sub.sub" then you are require to type it full-qualified including the domain name, well and then the final dot is added again automatically - that don't happen that often and if you have a larger subdomain that deep just maintain it in a own zone file

that is catching real life for many years now and generates complete zone files out of a simple database with a small webinterface
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