Sun Guonian via bind-users <> wrote:

> I meet a problem, I want to conceal the host information from the
> Internet, but want it bevisible to the special client. I know it could
> be realize via bind view, but I need createa special CHAOSNET zone for
> every BIND instance, 200 or more, which include its IP address or its
> hostname.

I don't think it needs to be that complicated. You can copy the _bind view
from the default configuraton and adjust it as you want, as in the example
below. I changed the allow-query acl, and also gave it a different name
than _bind to avoid colliding with the built-in view. The _builtin
hostname runes create the special zones for you without you having to make
one per server.

The default server-id is none, so there's no need to change that if you
find your hostnames embarrassing.

view bind chaos {
       allow-query { localhost; localnets; };
       notify no;
       recursion no;
       allow-new-zones no;
       rate-limit {
               slip 0;
               responses-per-second 3;
               min-table-size 10;
       zone  authors.bind ch { type master; database "_builtin authors";  };
       zone hostname.bind ch { type master; database "_builtin hostname"; };
       zone  version.bind ch { type master; database "_builtin version";  };
       zone     id.server ch { type master; database "_builtin id";       };

f.anthony.n.finch  <>  -  I xn--zr8h punycode
Faeroes, Southeast Iceland: Southeasterly veering southerly 6 to gale 8,
becoming cyclonic later in Southeast Iceland. Very rough, occasionally high.
Rain or showers. Moderate or good.
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