
Sorry for the wide blast (and long email), but perhaps some fellow .edu's can 
help us through this one.

I'm one of the DNS admins for wisc.edu.  An academic group on campus has 
noticed an issue with the atecentral.net delegation, for which two of the 
listed NS are on campus.

[]$ dig atecentral.net NS +short
dns2.scout.wisc.edu. <------------- on campus
dns.scout.wisc.edu.  <------------- on campus

wisc.edu is authoritative for scout.wisc.edu and return the following correct A 

[]$ dig scout.wisc.edu NS +short | sort 

adns1.doit.wisc.edu:dns.scout.wisc.edu. 14400   IN      A
adns2.doit.wisc.edu:dns.scout.wisc.edu. 14400   IN      A
adns3.doit.wisc.edu:dns.scout.wisc.edu. 14400   IN      A

adns1.doit.wisc.edu:dns2.scout.wisc.edu.        14400   IN      A
adns2.doit.wisc.edu:dns2.scout.wisc.edu.        14400   IN      A
adns3.doit.wisc.edu:dns2.scout.wisc.edu.        14400   IN      A

[]$ dig @ atecentral.net NS +short

It appears that there is some bad glue "somewhere" and I'm having trouble 
finding where it is coming from.

dig +norecurse @b.gtld-servers.net atecentral.net NS
dns.axisdata.com.       172800  IN      A
dns.scout.wisc.edu.     172800  IN      A  
<---------------- WRONG
dns2.scout.wisc.edu.    172800  IN      A 
<---------------- WRONG

note: local admins have enabled DNS servers on 170.199 and 170.200 as a short 
term measure until this can be resolved, so if you dig against those incorrect 
IPs directly you will get an answer (for now).

We have asked the scout.wisc.edu folks to check the atecentral.net delegation 
and received the following response:  "...  I checked with Namecheap, where 
atecentral.net is registered, and they say that the glue record values are 
supplied to the root nameservers by the registrar for the top-level domain 
where the names are located (wisc.edu, in this case, so Educause/VeriSign) ...."

And this matches my memory as well.  As recent as June 2017 when an NS inside a 
.edu was also the NS for another domain (for example, a .org), wearing my 
wisc.edu DNS admin hat I would log into the educause domain portal and 
add/update glue, the production example being uwhealth.org which has NS inside 
the wisc.edu namespace.

My suspicious is that the glue stuck in gtld is supplied by educause however 
educause (who recently went through a major facelift of their portal, 
net.educause.edu) is claiming no such thing has ever existed.  I'm not 
convinced, but there is an off chance early senility is setting in.  I have a 
screenshot from June 2017 (without URL, unfortunately) of our list of "glue" 
from what I'm 99% sure is the old net.educause.edu portal however educause is 
claiming adamantly (yes, we have escalated a ticket) that my screenshot is not 
from their old portal.

I see other screenshots on the web of the old net.educause.edu website that 
shows basically the same design theme (color) as my screenshot.  You'll note my 
screenshot from June 2017 from "somewhere" has the wrong IPs for 
dns.scout.wisc.edu and dns2.scout.wisc.edu.

ours: https://stats.uwsys.net/educause-maybe.jpg
found on web: 

For info from an old thread related to a similar thing we did at wisc.edu ~10 
years ago: https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=97332, but I 
I can't dump the .edu zonefile and educause (for now) is denying culpability.  
My 'dig' foo is weak enough that I can't come up with a damning output to know 
where to go from here.  Any ideas?

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