On 11/21/17 12:05 PM, Ron Wingfield wrote:
> . . .well, I never expected to get "flamed" as by GED, "/As a general
> observation, not knowing what you're doing is dangerous
> on the Internet.  Please take some time out of your undoubtedly busy
> life to try to ensure that you aren't a menace to the rest of us.  A
> good start might be to read the famous DNS and BIND/."
> Actually I have two copies of Cricket Liu's book, both 4th and 5th
> edition.  (4th ed. autographed.)
I worked with Cricket and owning books is worthless without understanding.

> Regardless, the reason for two name servers pointing to the same IP
> address is because the domain registrar requires two designated name
> servers; so since we only have the one platform running DNS with BIND
> Version: 9.10.2 Perhaps in the future a second installation may be
> incorporated.

Buy a $5/month VPS from Linode, Digital Ocean, or whatever.

The reason for the "two servers" is a valid one.


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