Hello Matus,

Am 2018-02-06 hackte Matus UHLAR - fantomas in die Tasten:
>>Am 2018-02-06 hackte Matus UHLAR - fantomas in die Tasten:
>>> our customer uses a domain that is registered, but hidden
>>> (doesn't exist in DNS).
> On 06.02.18 18:24, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>>I hope you know what are you doing, because the DNS MUST exist!
>>Please read the general conditions for the EU Domain Registry!
> if the domain gets delisted, it's their problem.
> for now it exists in internal network.

OK, however, the .eu Registry is very picky...
I know several domains which where registered trough WHOIS annonymiser
and the .eu Registry has unregistered them.

I have several .eu Domains on my name in behalf of my customers which
was the only possibility for the customers not being known in public, but
is officially not legal...

Maybe you should inform your customers about it.

But what about puting


into the DNS and then use another hostname or a subdomain for the

To prevent, beeing captured/spidered by some bots, I use at my ISP
per server only one IP and associate it with a fqdn like
<virtualkiste.mydomain.eu> and the bots can get the server ony by IP
which default to a big middle-finger.  The realdomain is a CNAME to the
FQDN of the server and can not more be found.

If you now use a random TLD with nice SLD and have this in your
"private" NS, nobody will get the domain and spider it against your

I have this setup now which a buch of domains and since last year,
I got now access I do not like...

> don't ask me, it's the customer...


> what's the difference, when the domain doesn't exist?

You can avoid anything and can do everything of you manage your own NS

> is it because .eu is signed?


Thanks in advance

Michelle Konzack        Miila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer     00372-54541400

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