On 26.04.18 15:18, Lucio Crusca wrote:
Until a few hours ago, I had several domains and 3 nameservers for them:

ns1.virtualbit.it (master,
ns11.virtualbit.it (slave,
ns2.virtualbit.it (slave,

Nameservers A records    ERROR: Some of your DNS servers do not have A
records at all. I could not find any A records for the following DNS

You must have A records for all of your nameservers.

this says it precisely: ns2.virtualbit.it does not exist.


dig @ -t ns acquaritalia.it
dig @ acquaritalia.it
dig @ www.acquaritalia.it
dig @ -t mx acquaritalia.it

I have no idea where did you get the information that it has IP, the IP mey answer, but it is not ns2.virtualbit.it because
ns2.virtualbit.it simply does not exist.

note that domain virtualbit.it is registered to sulweb.org nameservers,
which already makes it inapt for using NS record and it also has problems:

ERROR: Some of your DNS servers do not have A records at all. I could not
find any A records for the following DNS servers:

You must have A records for all of your nameservers. "

...not mentioning that sulweb.org itself is hosted by seflow.net which makes
it inapt too...

find better nameservers for your domain.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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