I'm attempting to upgrade from bind 9.10.4-P8 to 9.12.2-P1 and the service 
refuses to start. This is on a CentOS 6.10 machine. I ran into the same issue 
on CentOS 7 and was able to fix it by making sure that rngd is running before 
the named service starts. That same fix is not working for CentOS 6. I'm at a 
loss as to how to fix this and Google is failing me now.

The error in the log says:
Sep 17 18:59:08 nsm named[3926]: openssl_link.c:296: fatal error:
Sep 17 18:59:08 nsm named[3926]: OpenSSL pseudorandom number generator cannot 
be initialized (see the `PRNG not seeded' message in the OpenSSL FAQ)

Does any one have any ideas of what I'm missing or what I can do to resolve 
this (besides upgrading this box to CentOS 7)?


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