On 07.02.19 12:53, Nagesh Thati wrote:
I have created a network with * <>* and
created 4 subnets with */13* mask in that network,
Network: * <> : 192.199.in-addr.arpa*,
Subnet1: * <> :
Subnet2: * <> :
Subnet3: * <> :
Subnet4: * <> :

holy shit, gmail formats IP addresses as URLS and messes it up even more and
more.  Try avoiding gmail web interface whenever possible.

I fallowed the *RFC 2317 to create CNAME and NS records* in parent zone
which is 192.199.in-addr.arpa

It's useless to create classless delegations in this case.
Classless delegation is useful only for delegations less than /24

simply delegate 192.199.in-addr.arpa to 199.199.in-addr.arpa etc.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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