When I query www.teamviewer from a desktop, I fail and get this error in

 WARNING: recursion requested but not available

In BIND I have in named.conf.local:

zone "linux. <http://teamviewer.com/>org" {
        type forward;
        forwarders {

and "recursion no;" is defined in named.conf.options.

How can enable the recursion for linux.org queries in order to forward them
to my resolvers???

Thanks a lot

El jue., 7 feb. 2019 a las 11:40, Roberto Carna (<robertocarn...@gmail.com>)

> Tony, as you said forwarding requires recursion but when I define:
> zone "linux. <http://teamviewer.com/>org" {
>         recursion yes;
>         type forward;
>         forward only;
>         forwarders {
>       ;
>       ;
>         };
> and after that I restart bind9 service, it fails:
> unknown option 'recursion'
> So how can I define "recursion yes" just for the zone "linux.org" ???
> Sorry for my newquestion, I'd appreciate your help.
> Regards!!!
> El jue., 7 feb. 2019 a las 11:26, Tony Finch (<d...@dotat.at>) escribió:
>> Roberto Carna <robertocarn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Dear Tony, I forward the "linux.org" queries from our private Bind to
>> our
>> > Bind resolvers (they have authoritative public zones and also they are
>> > resolvers that forward the queries to
>> >
>> > So why you say they are authoritative only servers?
>> Oh, I misread your explanation, I thought the "recursion no" in your
>> configuration was on the target server. But it is on the server with the
>> "type forward" zone, and since forwarding requires recursion, it will not
>> work.
>> Tony.
>> --
>> f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
>> Shannon: Southwest 7 to severe gale 9, veering west gale 8 to storm 10
>> later.
>> Very rough, becoming high or very high. Rain or squally showers. Poor.
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