Hi John,  thanks for replying and your thoughts! I will intersperse my
feedback within your comments -

On 03/13/2019 08:33 PM, John W. Blue wrote:
> Marc,
> Regarding your rndc problem, I think you might be confusing rndc.
> If rndc is invoked with no options, specifically “k”, then rndc
> assumes the key it needs is in the rndc.conf file.  If rndc.conf is
> not present, rndc will use the default rndc.key file.  That said,
> since rndc knows there is an /etc/rndc.key file but it choosing to use
> rndc.conf is the secret the same in both places?
> As an option, instead of including /etc/rndc.key nothing prevents you
> from including rndc.conf.  That way you are consistent with your useage.
I raised an eyebrow at this suggestion thinking oh how cool...  but a
quick attempt at including rndc.conf in named.conf lead named to
bellyache about multiple "options" clauses... I will poke at it some
more, as it would be nice to minimize the possibility of getting the two
key definitions out of sync, which is why I tried it from the other
direction using the include statement in rndc.conf...
> I personally do not use nsupdate, but I thought that key file had to
> be created by dnssec-keyen and if you opt to use “k” then the file
> suffix on the command line had to be “.private”.
Actually I did use dnssec-keygen to generate the key file! ;-) To be
precise -
> dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-SHA512 -b 512 -n HOST letsencrypt
That generates two files, one is a .key and the other is a .private  It
doesn't seem to matter which file I use with nsupdate, it seems happy
with either and both files do contain the private key. In any event, no
matter which I choose the persistence issue remains...

> Hope that helps and good hunting!
At least you confirmed my thinking so far, great minds think alike!  
> John
> *From:*bind-users [mailto:bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Marc Chamberlin via bind-users
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 13, 2019 6:02 PM
> *To:* bind-users@lists.isc.org
> *Subject:* rndc and nsupdate failing to work for me
> Hello Bind Users,
> I have been working on upgrading my Bind 9.11.2 server (running on a
> Linux system, OpenSuSE Leap 15) so that I can accept DNS
> challenges/verification from/for LetsEncrypt certificates, and I am
> running into a wall trying to get nsupdate (and rndc which I wanted to
> use to test the server with) to work with the server. So I hope some
> kind guru here can lead me into the light cuz I am lost....
> My configuration is really not all that complicated, I am running the
> server on a firewall computer that supports other services such as web
> and email services also. I have a SOHO internal network behind the
> firewall computer. I have configured the Bind (named) server with the
> 3 standard views - localhost.resolver, internal, and external. Since I
> support a number of virtual hosts and real hosts I have quit a few
> zones defined for each view. For regular queries and things like zone
> transfers the server is performing OK.
> That said I will show what I think are the relevant definitions from
> my configuration files, with sensitive info redacted of course, and
> follow on with questions I have -
> named.conf -
> There is a bunch of stuff at the beginning of this file, but I think
> it is irrelevant to this issue. Correct me if I am wrong and I will be
> happy to post it...
>     include "/etc/rndc.key";
>      controls {
>            inet * port 953
>                    allow { any; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
>      };
>       view "localhost_resolver"
>      {
>             match-clients                 { localhost; };
>             match-destinations      { localhost; };
> ... more stuff here but I don't think it is relevant
>           include "/etc/named.d/local/local_zones.conf";
>       }
>     view "internal" {
>         match-clients      {; };
>        match-destinations {; };
>        recursion yes;
> ... more stuff here but I don't think it is relevant  
>     include "/etc/named.d/internal/internal_zones.conf";
>     };
>     view "external" {
>        match-clients      { any; };
>        match-destinations { any; };
>        recursion no;
> ... more stuff here but I don't think it is relevant  
>        include "/etc/named.d/external/external_zones.conf";
>     };
> This seems pretty straightforward configuration in named.conf.  The
> configuration of a zone in the external view typically looks like this -
> zone "mydomain.com" in {
>     file "/etc/named.d/external/master/mydomain.com";
>     type master;
>     allow-transfer { "dnsmadeeasy1"; };
>     also-notify { xx.xxx.xx.xxx; yyy.yyy.yy.yyy; zzz.zzz.zz.zz; };
>         allow-query { any; };
>         allow-update {
>            key "letsencrypt";
>         };
> };
> And this is what is in rndc.conf -
>     key "rndc-key" {
>             algorithm hmac-md5;
>             secret "secretkeycodehere";
>      };
>     options {
>             default-key "rndc-key";
>             default-server localserver;
>             default-port 953;
>     };
>     server localserver {
>             addresses   { port 953; };
>             key "rndc-key";
>     };
>     server intserver {
>             addresses   { port 953; };
>             key "rndc-key";
>     };
>     server extserver {
>             addresses   { xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa port 953; };
>             key "rndc-key";
>     };
> Again, straightforward, and as I said normal queries do work.... 
> However when I use rndc to poke at it, this is what happens -
>     # rndc showzone mydomain.com in external
>     WARNING: key file (/etc/rndc.key) exists, but using default
>     configuration file (/etc/rndc.conf)
>     rndc: 'showzone' failed: failure
> I don't understand why I am getting the warning, seems like a so what
> since the keys are identical in both locations. (I couldn't figure out
> if it is possible to use an include statement instead of the key
> definition in rndc.conf)  As for the failure when I asked it to do a
> showzone, I don't have a clue as to why this is failing. Log files are
> not helpful (and neither is this error message for that matter!)
> I am also experiencing problems with nsupdate in that changes I make
> with it are not persistent across a restart of the named service. To
> demonstrate this I have a file called test.txt -
> debug yes
> zone mydomain.com.
> update add test.mydomain.com. 86400 TXT "bar"
> show
> send
> and if I use it as follows this is what I see -
>     # nsupdate -k /etc/letsencrypt/james/Kletsencrypt.+165+56715.key
>     -v ./test.txt
> I get lots of output and no indication of any problems. Using dig to
> see if the update indeed works -
>      # dig +short -t txt test.mydomain.com "bar"
>     "bar"
> it works, but if I restart the named service, no joy -
>     # systemctl restart named.service
>     # dig +short -t txt test.mydomain.com "bar"
>     #
> the update is not persistent!  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for
> helping me resolve these issues.    Marc...
> -- 
> *Computers: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the user Marc.
> His mission: to explore strange new hardware. To seek out new software
> and new applications.
> To boldly go where no Marc has gone before!*
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