Thanks Evan for the quick response!

I was using the delv command improperly.  :-(  Things appear to be working now.

Daniel J. LeBlanc, P.Eng., MBA, DTME | Senior Network Architect | Bell Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Evan Hunt [] 
Sent: March-14-19 1:35 AM
To: LeBlanc, Daniel James
Subject: Re: DELV 9.12.3-P1 - Issue Loading Trusted Keys

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 06:52:38PM +0000, LeBlanc, Daniel James wrote:
> sudo /var/named/bin/delv @<DNS IP> -a /var/named/keys/trythese.keys 
> -b127.0.0.1 +rtrace +multiline +mtrace 
> +vtrace
> ...and getting this result:
> /var/named/bin/delv: No trusted keys were loaded

The delv man page explains this:

|  -a anchor-file
|      Specifies a file from which to read DNSSEC trust anchors. The
|      default is /etc/bind.keys, which is included with BIND 9 and
|      contains one or more trust anchors for the root zone (".").
|      Keys that do not match the root zone name are ignored. An alternate
|      key name can be specified using the +root=NAME options.

So if you add it should load the key.

Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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