Currently running latest release of Bind 9.12, which is now EOLed and want to 
move to 9.14. I was looking on google for 

update "bind9.12" "bind 9.14"

But did not find anything of use. I did find the 9.14 announcement, but there 
isn't a link there to release notes. I know there has been at least one 
significant change in the named.conf file.


Other than the “allow-update” and “allow-update-forwarding” issue which does 
not affect me, what other configuration issues am I going to hit?

I am still OpenSSL 1.0.2r, do I need to move to OpenSSL 1.1.1? I mean, I am 
probably going to do that anyway, RSN, but this would be an excuse to do it now.

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