On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 05:01:11PM +0000, Evan Hunt wrote:
> It's a bug. I see the same result. Thanks for pointing it out, I'm
> looking into it.

Ah, I see the problem. You overrode the default policy by using the name
"default", but you didn't set a "coverage" value in your new defaults, so
it choked because it didn't know how far into the future you wanted it to
generate keys.  This definitely needs a clearer error message.

Here are three ways to write the policy file that would do what you want:

1) Explicitly add a "coverage" value to the "default" policy.

    policy default {
        directory "/usr/local/etc/namedb/keys";
        algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256;
        pre-publish zsk 1w;
        post-publish zsk 1w;
        roll-period zsk 2mo;
        coverage 6mo;

  (Side note: the zone policy for example.com in your policy file was
  unnecessary, since you were setting defaults that would have been used

2) Explicitly inherit built-in global defaults when setting up the
   "default" policy. This way you're overriding a subset of the defaults
   rather than setting up a whole new set from scratch.

    policy default {
        policy global;
        directory "/usr/local/etc/namedb/keys";
        algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256;
        pre-publish zsk 1w;
        post-publish zsk 1w;
        roll-period zsk 2mo;

3) Don't reset "default", just set up a zone policy statement for the
   particular zone you're interested in. This will inherit the existing
   defaults, it doesn't need to be told to do so.

    zone example.com {
        directory "/usr/local/etc/namedb/keys";
        algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256;
        pre-publish zsk 1w;
        post-publish zsk 1w;
        roll-period zsk 2mo;

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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