[ Classification Level: PUBLIC ]

It's not like "speed dialing" consists of prepending a bunch of
more-or-less arbitrary area codes and exchanges and hoping that eventually
you'll get the right combination of numbers to reach the intended
recipient. THAT would be the proper analogy for suffix-searching.

A better analogy of "speed dialing", in the TCP/IP context, would be
browser bookmarks and the like, i.e. a limited, simplified list of choices,
on the frontend, each of which translates to the appropriate protocol-
and/or technology-specific identifiers, on the backend. I don't have a
problem with app features that make people's lives more convenient, as long
as what ends up in the DNS ecosystem is an unambiguous FQDN.

As for addressing coworkers by their short names, that works and sometimes
doesn't. I once worked regularly with 5 people who all had the first name
"Matt" (now we're down to only 3 in our area :-)

               - Kevin

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 6:02 PM Paul Kosinski via bind-users <
bind-users@lists.isc.org> wrote:

> "... long ago adapted to using full numbers, including area codes, for
> pretty much *all* phone dialing ..."
> Except that that proved to be so onerous that people often use "speed
> dialing" for commonly dialed numbers. (Not to mention the fact that
> people usually address their friends and coworkers by short names.)
> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 12:19:35 -0400
> Kevin Darcy <kevin.da...@fcagroup.com> wrote:
> > [ Classification Level: PUBLIC ]
> >
> > My opinion? It's better to wean your users away from shortnames than
> > to try to cobble together kludges, on the client side or the BIND
> > side, to support a bad habit. Shortnames introduce ambiguity, lead to
> > nasty surprises, are inefficient and insecure. Just like we (in the
> > U.S. at least) long ago adapted to using full numbers, including area
> > codes, for pretty much *all* phone dialing, people can adapt to using
> > FQDNs. They've already adapted to it, overwhelmingly, for Internet
> > web traffic (notwithstanding some "helpful" browsers that will tack
> > on "www" to the front of a shortname, and ".com" at the end, which is
> > often *not* what is wanted or safe). Why have a different user
> > experience, when on or off the enterprise network, a perimeter that
> > is quickly eroding? Just use FQDNs everywhere, keep it consistent.
> >
> > Anyway, that's my 2-cents, from someone who has been battling the
> > "shortname disease" for decades, with a substantial amount of
> > (although not perfect) success.
> >
> >
> >       - Kevin
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 8:56 AM MEjaz <me...@cyberia.net.sa> wrote:
> >
> > > Noxexistent domain error .
> > >
> > > Here is my configuration.
> > > =======================
> > >
> > > zone "crm365app" {
> > > type master;
> > > file "crm365app.cyberia.net.sa.hosts";
> > > allow-query {any;};
> > > };
> > >
> > >
> > > File
> > >
> > > ========================================
> > > [root@ns1 ~]# cat  /var/named/crm365app.cyberia.net.sa.hosts
> > > $TTL 3600
> > > ;       Addresses and other host information
> > > ;
> > > ;
> > >
> > > @       IN      SOA     ns1.cyberia.net.sa. root.cyberia.net.sa. (
> > > 2015034459 ; serial
> > >                         43200   ; refresh every 12 hours
> > >                         4320    ; retry after 1 hour
> > >                         1209600  ; expire after 2 weeks
> > >                         21600 )  ; minimum
> > >
> > > ; Define the name servers and mail servers
> > >
> > >         IN      NS      ns1.cyberia.net.sa.
> > >         IN      NS      ns2.cyberia.net.sa.
> > >
> > >         IN      MX      10 smtp.cyberia.net.sa.
> > >
> > > ; Define localhost
> > > *        IN    A
> > >
> > > ; Define hosts in this zone
> > >
> > >
> > > www     IN      CNAME   webhost.cyberia.net.sa.
> > > crm365app       IN      A
> > >
> > > =========================================zone file
> > > end=============================
> > >
> > > [root@ns1 named]# host crm365app
> > > Host crm365app not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> > >  [root@ns1 named]# named-checkzone crm365app
> > > crm365app.cyberia.net.sa.hosts
> > > zone crm365app/IN: loaded serial 2015034459
> > > OK
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: bind-users [mailto:bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org] On
> > > Behalf Of Reindl Harald
> > > Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 1:46 PM
> > > To: bind-users@lists.isc.org
> > > Subject: Re: Zoneformat
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Am 28.10.19 um 11:01 schrieb MEjaz:
> > > > *From:* MEjaz [mailto:me...@cyberia.net.sa]
> > > > *Sent:* Monday, October 28, 2019 10:27 AM
> > > > *To:* 'bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org'
> > > > <bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org>
> > > > *Subject:* Zoneformat
> > > >
> > > > Is ther any way I can create the zone without the (.) I mean non
> > > > fully qualified domain name just as "example" instead
> > > > "example.com"'
> > >
> > >
> > > what is the problem you try to solve?
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