On 04.11.19 12:30, Computerisms Corporation wrote:
I am wondering if it is possible to create a CNAME in one zone to resolve as a TXT record in another zone.

CNAME will not resolve as a TXT.
CNAME will make ALL types queries for original query being resolved as the

Can't find anything that says it will work, but can't find any thing that says it won't, either.

For example, I have added in the zone file for dom1:

_acme-challenge CNAME   _acme-challenge.dom2.com.

and then in zone file for dom2:

_acme-challenge TXT     "thisismytextvalue"

Then, and more or less as expected, the following dig command fails to return a record.

dig -t TXT  _acme-challenge.dom1.com

is is supposed to work this way. If it doesn't, you have an error somewhere.

Are you sure that there's no other _acme-challenge.dom1.com record than the

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