On 11/27/19, isc-bind-us...@ics-il.net <isc-bind-us...@ics-il.net> wrote:
> I have some other issues that I'm trying to work through, but I wanted to
> ask about a specific issue.
> I'm trying to see what BIND currently thinks all of the zones are, so I
> issue the "rndc dumpdb -zones" command.
   <.. snip ..>
> However, it appears no file is generated. "find / -name cache_dump.db"
> doesn't return anything.

the default file name is named_dump.db
If your named.conf has this bit
options {
  directory "/var/cache/bind";
    # working directory

then "rndc dumpdb -zones" creates the file /var/cache/bind/named_dump.db

If your named.conf has this bit
options {
  dump-file "/tmp/cache_dump.db";

then "rndc dumpdb -zones" creates the file /tmp/cache_dump.db

> The log says that dumpdb is complete, but it doesn't say what it wrote. I
> would expect the log file to say something like:
> Nov 27 07:36:28 DNA-DNS1 named[20035]: dumpdb output to: /var/lib/bind/
> cache_dump.db
> It doesn't. Could we get that added to the logging information?

Yes, it would be nice if that was added

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