
I observed very weird behaviour that I can reproduce on both these BIND9 versions:

BIND 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9.11.4-9.P2.el7 (Extended Support Version) <id:7107deb> (slave)

BIND 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.68.rc1.el6_10.1 (master)

Someone has created a wildcard CNAME:

*.prod.app.pcp.cn.prod.     300     IN     CNAME gs-vip.prod-wq-01.k8s.pcp.cn.prod.

Which was working just fine, everything behind this wildcard was working as a CNAME:

# dig test.prod.app.pcp.cn.prod +short

But moment when someone has created another record (CNAME as well) behind it

funding-gw.payis.prod.app.pcp.cn.prod.     30     IN     CNAME gs-vip.prod-wq-01.k8s.pcp.cn.prod.

Records that are anywhere in the path of this new record stopped working, for example

payis.prod.app.pcp.cn.prod        would NOT work

test.payis.prod.app.pcp.cn.prod would NOT work

test.prod.app.pcp.cn.prod          would work

Why is this? Is that normal or a bug?

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