On 03.04.20 14:20, David Alexandre M. de Carvalho wrote:
Where can I find about alternatives to point 2?
I have a windows subdomain configured in that way, never realized there was a 
better way.

if you want to have subdomain with different set of nameservers, you should
put it into another zone and it should have different SOA as long.
so, "sub" would  have NS records in "test.local." but "sub.test.local" would
have own zone, own file, containing SOA, NS, MX etc records.

why so much complexity to begin with?

t1       A
sub.t30  A

On 03.04.20 11:53, mail-list-us...@materna.de wrote:
Well, in first place to make it human readable, if needed to look into the zone.

1. the above is more readablt than whay you proposed.

2. delegating subdomain (sub) to other servers via NS records and setting
   any other records in the zone is a bad idea.

3. putting localhost into any domain is useless and I discourage you from
   doing that

For some subdomains we would have entries for the subdomain itself, like couple 
So with these thoughts, the documentation gives this as a valid option and it
worked in small scale on the testsystem, so we decieded to go this way.
If this needs to be changed, I need a reason besides of 'that is this way more 
because these zones get generated from an automated system and I need an
argument to get a permission for a change request.
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