On Apr 3, 2020, at 9:06 AM, bind-li...@iano.org wrote:
> Because the AD domain controllers already own 10.in-addr.arpa, they refuse to 
> allow us to configure conditional forwarding for its subdomains. So we 
> delegated the subdomains to the inbound endpoints. Because they are 
> delegations, the domain controllers set the recursion desired flag to 0 on 
> the queries they send to the endpoints, and we are not getting replies from 
> the endpoints.
> As a workaround we tried delegating to our linux bind caching resolvers but 
> we ran into the same issue, that the domain controllers set recursion desired 
> to 0. As a result, when our linux caching servers have the result in cache, 
> the lookup is successful, but when it would require a fresh lookup it gets a 
> reply with no answers. Hence my question, is there a way to tell our bind 
> caching resolvers to ignore the recursion desired flag and provide recursion 
> anyway?

I've solved this before. You've tried two solutions, and neither worked alone. 
You need to do both.

- Delegate the subzones in question to the forwarders (or anywhere, really).
- Add conditional forwarding for the subzones also, pointing to the forwarders.

Without the delegation, the conditional forwarding won't work -- the MS DNS 
servers will respond authoritatively. But without the conditional forwarding, 
the MS DNS servers will send iterative queries, not recursive queries.

Chris Buxton
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