Hi Tom,

Because you just started signing your zone. The DNSKEY and RRSIG records are published but have to wait a TTL time to before the DS may be published, to avoid a situation where a resolver fetches the DS but still has the corresponding DNSKEY query in the negative cache.

This time is based on the dnskey-ttl (60 seconds), publish-safety (1 hour), max-zone-ttl (1 day) and zone-propagation-delay (300 seconds).

- publish-safety is an additional wait period before continuing a key
  roll, to allow some time to react on unforeseen events.
- max-zone-ttl should be set to your maximum used TTL in the zone. In
  the future we may add the functionality to walk the zone and determine
  the max-zone-ttl.
- zone-propagation-delay is an additional wait period to cover for the
  time it takes between changes and actual publication.

All these values are there to be extra careful on key rollover timings. You can lower these values in the dnssec-policy to speed up the process for your test zone, or tweak them to better match your setup.

Best regards,


On 09-04-2020 08:27, Tom wrote:
Using BIND-9.16.1.
In the last ISC dnssec webinar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aB__FZZQ84) I heared, that CDS/CDNSKEY records automatically should be published when using dnssec-policies.

My policy looks like this:
dnssec-policy "test-policy" {
     dnskey-ttl 60;
     keys {
         ksk lifetime unlimited algorithm ecdsa256;
         zsk lifetime unlimited algorithm ecdsa256;

and the zone like this:
zone "example.com" {
         type master;
         file "master/example.com.zone";
         key-directory "/etc/named/keys/example.com";
     dnssec-policy "test-policy";

When digging this zone for CDS/CDNSKEY records, then these keys are not existing:
$ dig +norec +noall +answer @ cds example.com
$ dig +norec +noall +answer @ cdnskey example.com

The keyfile for "example.com" also do not show a "published"-date:
$ cat Kexample.com.+013+02624.key
; This is a key-signing key, keyid 2624, for example.com.
; Created: 20200409061638 (Thu Apr  9 08:16:38 2020)
; Publish: 20200409061638 (Thu Apr  9 08:16:38 2020)
; Activate: 20200409061638 (Thu Apr  9 08:16:38 2020)
example.com. 60 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 uV/NtPZSL1fmO3FAi4pZCcbTl19iD3SizgVcDXGJEl1g4l/cHUGvVl33 3cx2cODA6RUj55pZa77g1VBtFBXByg==

Any hints, why in this case the dnssec-policy mechanism doesn't publish the CDS/CDNSKEY records?

Many thanks.

Kind regards,
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