Thank you so much, a silly mistake as it always happens - I was injecting
the wrong binary via the systemd-unit.
Everything's fine now.

By "documentation" I meant the ISC's article -

On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 10:01 PM Evan Hunt <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 10:38:41AM +0300, Denis wrote:
> > But when I try to generate acls the same way it was done with legacy
> > Maxmind databases:
> > acl us {
> >       geoip country us;
> > }
> >
> > I'm getting "no GeoIP database installed which can answer queries of type
> > 'country'".
> Can you check whether the "geoip2" system test is passing?
> - build BIND
> - cd bin/tests/system
> - sudo sh up
> - sh geoip2
> If the system test (which uses its own built-in database files) passes,
> then I would guess the systemwide GeoIP database files either aren't where
> named is looking for them, or are not readable.
> If you check the named log, within the first few lines after the server
> starts up there should be something like this:
> 21-May-2020 11:56:34.303 looking for GeoIP2 databases in '/usr/share/GeoIP'
> 21-May-2020 11:56:34.303 opened GeoIP2 database
> '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb'
> 21-May-2020 11:56:34.307 opened GeoIP2 database
> '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'
> 21-May-2020 11:56:34.307 opened GeoIP2 database
> '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb'
> > The documentation now shows that  "BIND 9.16 supports v2 of the API but
> > these instructions have not been updated accordingly"
> > Can you share the instructions that should be used now?
> Which documentation says that? I don't remember it from the BIND doc...
> Setting up ACLs should be largely unchanged, with the exception that a
> couple of very infrequently used keywords like "areacode" and "netspeed"
> became unavailable in the new API, and three-letter country codes are
> now obsolete. "Country" is definitely still supported, and since you used
> "us" rather than "usa" in your example, it should've worked.
> --
> Evan Hunt --
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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