On 01/06/2020 20:08, DeCaro, James John (Jim) CIV DISA FE (USA) via bind-users wrote:

Hi Jim,

Installed BIND 9.16.3 and I discovered that the SMF dns/server is
trying to read named.conf from /usr/local/etc/:
"/usr/local/etc/named.conf: file not found".  I am trying to figure
out how point named to read /etc/named.conf.

I last touched SMF over 15 years ago, and I don't remember enough about it now, so I can't speak for the SMF parts of your question.

I did try re-compiling BIND with different switches but it resulted
in the same thing.  Is there an environment variable or a ./configure
switch to re-point the default to /etc/named.conf?  I tried
'--sysconfdir=/etc'  --no luck there.  Do I edit the manifest file?

This *is* the correct way to define the default location of named.conf.

I attempted named -c /etc/named.conf  with no luck

This *must* work. However, your description "no luck" isn't enough. Can you describe exactly what happened when you named "named -c /etc/named.conf"?

$ named -g:

Run "named -c /etc/named.conf -g" and see what happens.

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  • BIND installed o... DeCaro, James John (Jim) CIV DISA FE (USA) via bind-users
    • Re: BIND in... Anand Buddhdev
      • RE: [No... DeCaro, James John (Jim) CIV DISA FE (USA) via bind-users
      • RE: [No... DeCaro, James John (Jim) CIV DISA FE (USA) via bind-users

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