On 3/25/21 9:19 AM, Olivier wrote:


I would like to implement a 3 hosts cluster with the following features:

I don't see anything conceptually wrong with what you've outlined. Though I wouldn't call it a "cluster". To me a cluster is something that is (as largely as possible) self redundant meaning no Single Point of Failure. You are SPoFed on host1.

1- host1 is a bind9 master
2- host2 is a bind9 slave/ISC DHCP primary
3- host3 is a bind9 slave/ISC DHCP secondary
4- primary ISC DHCP instance sends dynamic updates to bind9 master
5- secondary ISC DHCP instance sends dynamic updates to bind9 master
6- DNS clients queries Bind9 slaves (hosts 2 and 3)
7- DNS updates are made on Bind9 master

I assume that you are thinking that the DHCP server will be sending the updates.

It's probably worth pointing out that the bind9 secondaries (host2 & host3) can be configured to forward any dynamic updates which they receive on to the primary (host1). This is germane when clients send dynamic updates to the DNS server(s) that they are querying. IMHO Windows is (at least used to be) notorious for doing this.

I can accept to loose (either static or dynamic) updates if host1 is down

This is the SPoF that I was talking about.

You also need to be mindful of your expiration timers on your zone(s). What if the primary server is down for 8 days (for reasons) and the secondaries honor a zone expiration time of 7 days?

1. Is it possible to implement both 4 and 5 ?

I would assume that #4 can be done.

I would expect that #5 can be done.

2. Any alternative architecture (I can use up to 5 hosts) ?

I /think/ that BIND has some options to use something else, a (traditional) DB and / or LDAP for zone information via Dynamically Loadable Zones. Thus you can use replications features in the DB / LDAP servers that work to avoid the SPoF of a single primary.

I would highly recommend that you consider VRRP et al. for VIPs that clients point to. That way you can move them between servers as you need to have one down for maintenance. -- I've seen some clients get really crochety and not fall back to their second configured DNS server nearly as gracefully as I would have hoped. Having the preferred DNS server's VIP re-homed on an alternate system would have allowed the client to think that it's preferred server is and responding like normal, even if the real host is out of the rack and in pieces on the floor.

Depending on your needed scale you might consider some form of load balancing. -- You can look at some form of ""hardware / ""appliance[1] based load balancer or you can look at a host based software solution. -- There are a number of solutions in this space. But they are somewhat platform dependent and I don't see any information on what platform you're using.

[1] What is ""hardware / ""appliance other than a different host that runs software.

Good luck.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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