Hi Jim
let me give you a bit more info

On April 9, 2021 8:23:48 PM UTC, Hugo Salgado <hsalg...@nic.cl> wrote:
Switch has a website to test the CDS processing for .ch:

for domainmail.ch it says "The CDS configuration of the domain name
domainmail.ch will not be processed.
[ ... ]
The DNS query returned: "Server failed to complete the DNS request".

It looks like until last night (when the last check ran), the domain was BOGUS ( https://dnsviz.net/d/domainmail.ch/YHDacA/dnssec/ ) - so we couldn't even fetch the CDS RRSET. RFC 8078 / 7344 can not be used to fix a bogus domain, this needs to be fixed by updating the DS through the registrar (which it seems you have done by now)

The error message on our website in this case is indeed not very clear. Eventually I hope to improve this once our resolvers support RFC8914 extended dns errors which we could pass on to the frontend.

On 4/9/21 9:11 PM, Jim Popovitch via bind-users wrote:
What I can't figure out is how/when does .ch query the CDS/CDNSKEY data.

This process happens in two stages, once every 24 hours.

In stage 1 (during the night), we scan all .CH and .LI domains for their CDS RRSETS. Domains which already have DS in parent are scanned through a validating resolver. This is where domainmail.ch failed up until last night. Domains which are currently insecure (=no DS in parent) are scanned over TCP from multiple locations on every IP address of all nameservers registered at the registry.

In stage 2 (during the day) we process the domains with CDS records found in stage1 and perform additional checks. If all checks pass, we apply the requested change, i.e. the DS RRSET is changed to match the published CDS RRSET. Some restrictions are different if the domain already has a valid DS in parent. For example, INSECURE domains need to provide a consistent CDS RRSET on all their nameserver IPs for at least three consecutive days before the DS RRSET is activated. Key Rollovers or going unsigned happens immediately if the current CDS RRSET validates ok. The 3 day delay initially also applied to Rollovers and Deletes, but we have meanwhile lifted this restriction as it did not provide a security benefit and caused operational issues(for example, changing Nameserver operators) Some other restrictions however apply in all cases, for example, the CDS RRSET will not be processed if the resulting DS RRSET would break the chain of trust.

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