
After upgrading to BIND-9.16.15, I have the following error in named.log:

30-Apr-2021 12:41:29.194 general: error: managed-keys.bind.jnw: journal file corrupt: expected serial 1823, got 1824 30-Apr-2021 12:41:29.194 general: error: managed-keys-zone: dns_journal_compact failed: unexpected error

$ l /var/named/managed-keys.bind*
-rw-r--r--. 1 named named  821 30. Apr 12:41 /var/named/managed-keys.bind
-rw-r--r--. 1 named named 4.5K 30. Apr 12:41 /var/named/managed-keys.bind.jnl

Yesterday (after initially starting the latest version) the error occured the first time on server1. Then I stopped named on server1, removed both files (.bind and .bind.jnl), and startet named again.

Today, the same error appeared one time on server2, but named seems working fine, also DNSSEC verification. With "named-journalprint" I'm able to print to content of the managed-keys.bind.jnl.

Any hints about this error?

Thank you.
Kind regards,
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