On 6/15/21 6:59 PM, ToddAndMargo via bind-users wrote:
On 6/15/21 12:51 PM, ToddAndMargo via bind-users wrote:
On 6/14/21 10:02 PM, ToddAndMargo via bind-users wrote:
Hi All,

Thank you all for the enormous help in me getting bind-chroot
working after upgrading to Fedora 34.  Here are my notes.

Hope this helps someone else.


Here are my revised, revised note.  Ed had to
straighten me out on some boo-boos:

I hope this is the last time I have to revise this!

Broken bind-chroot repair after upgrading to Fedora 34:

# means root
$ means user

1) temporary workaround so you can surf the Internet for help:

   Change /etc/resolv.conf to
       # search your_domain
       # nameserver your_IP

2) in their "ultimate wisdom", the rpm maintainers disabled
   the service after upgrading it.

   To repair:

      # systemctl enable  named-chroot.service
      # systemctl start   named-chroot.service

   Other useful command(s):

      # systemctl stop    named-chroot.service
      # systemctl status  named-chroot.service
      # systemctl restart named-chroot.service

3) position named.conf and named.root.key:

   When the bind-chroot service starts, it copies the following into
   the chroot directory.  Don't you do it!  This will fail if it find
   them there already.  Then things get really confusing.

      /etc/named.conf      copies to  /var/named/chroot/etc/.
      /etc/named.root.key  copies to  /var/named/chroot/etc/.

   The ones in your /etc directory are your masters.

   When the named-chroot service is stopped.  Make sure you do not have
   two copies of either or both `/named/conf` and `named.root.key` kicking

/var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf <-- should not be there when stopped

/var/named/chroot/etc/named.root.key <-- should not be there when stopped

   The ones in the chroot directory should have disappeared.  Make sure you
   only have one /etc/named.conf and /etc/named.root.key.

If you have two named.root.key's kicking around, the one that starts with
        trust-anchors {
   is the good one.

   To trigger the copy:

      a) make sure /etc/named/conf and /etc/named.root.key are your masters

      b) stop name-bind
           # systemctl stop named-chroot

      c) make sure the follow do not exist:

      d) update /etc/named.conf and /etc/named.root.key as desired

      e) restart the service
           # systemctl start named-chroot

4) the new version of bind-chroot enables "dns security validation" by default.

   Note: make sure /etc/named.root.key starts with `trust-anchors {`.
        `managed-keys {` is depreciated.

   Note: you should only have one named.root.key.  /etc/named.root.key is
         your master.  If the named-chroot service is stopped, the one
         in /var/named/chroot/etc should disappear.

   To properly configure (repair), place the following in your named.conf:

      add the following to your "options" block:
          dnssec-validation yes;

      by itself at the bottom:
          include "/etc/named.root.key";

   Then restart the service:
      # systemctl restart bind-named.service

   Other useful command(s):

       Validation check:

         $ delv @$IP com ds
         $ delv @ com ds
         ; fully validated

5) check (and repair) your configurations:


         # named-checkconf -l -t /var/named/chroot /etc/named.conf

         # named-checkzone -t directory domain filename

         Note: the "domain name" is theh "zone" name from named.conf
               zone, not `domainname`.  For example:

                zone "abc.local" {
                   type master;
                   file "slaves/abc.hosts";
                   allow-update { key DHCP_UPDATER; };
         The "domain" is the name of the "zone".  "abc.local" in the above.
         You should check both your forward and reverse zones.

# named-checkzone -t /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves abc.local abc.hosts
         zone abc.local/IN: loaded serial 265

# named-checkzone -t /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves 255.168.192.in-addr.arpa abc.hosts.rev
         zone 255.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 213

6) restart the bind-chroot service:

   Change /etc/resolv.conf back to
      search your_domain
      nameserver your_IP
      # nameserver

   Restart the service:
     # systemctl restart named-chroot.service

   Check for and repair startup errors with:

     $ systemctl status named-chroot.service
     # tail -f /var/log/messages

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