On Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 02:26:59PM -0400, Ryan McGuire wrote:
> Thank you, in my searching I failed to come across that.
> Do you know if it's been replaced by something more "practical to 
> deploy"? I found some discussion regarding support for "The PROXY 
> Protocol" (https://www.haproxy.org/download/2.2/doc/proxy-protocol.txt) 
> but I don't believe it's planned. This seems like such a common 
> scenario, I'm surprised the support that was there was removed but not 
> replaced by anything. I suppose it is open-source software and I'm free 
> to port it into 9.16, but this isn't a big enough problem for me 
> personally to justify the time spent.

We do have support for recursive ECS processing in the special-sauce
version of BIND we charge money for, but there hasn't been enough demand
for support on the authoritiatve side to make it worth the development
effort so far. But I would encourage you to put in a feature request
with details about your use case, and we'll consider it in the future.

Unfortunately, the older auth support was terribly space-inefficient,
and also didn't comply with the RFC, so it kind of had to go.

I'm not sure which of the open-source auth servers currently have ECS
support. PowerDNS maybe? And a quick google search just suggested one
called gdnsd, which I hadn't heard of before.

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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