On 12/11/2021 17:14, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 12.11.21 um 17:48 schrieb lejeczek via bind-users:
Hi guys.

I'm looking to setup my subdomin in-house and I'm hoping for some wise advises from experts, it's my first foray into this thus go easy on me please.

zone.top - is hosted by a public registrar
priv.zone.top - I want to delegate to my own bind
I'd hope for some generic recipe and pointer to docs, thanks.

needs to be done in the parent zone by whoever hosts it

Now what I think might be the tricky part though I get that an expert might say - trivial. I am thinking of 'views' or split-horizon or whatever other nomenclature applies, though I hear that that/those are discouraged by experts? Or! might that above be unnecessary(?) if, it's possible and allowed that such public, mine bind will resolve to IPs which are 'private' - all that so my 'priv.zone.top' will resolve to whole www but resources of the zone/domain will be available, as they are, only in/via private networks.

Does that make sense?

wouldn't it be easier to setup two different subdomains in which case you don't need delegation at all - your local named would hist the internal subdomain and doing recursion for everything else

i mean when it's private and not www why does the world need to know about the subdomain?

Because I might not be able to control nor have input into local-private bind(s) and thus... clients/nodes on private networks would query www/public bind and only then would learn of 'priv.zone.top' and then, via that delegation to my own binds, 'priv.zone.top' would be served to local-private networks.
- here is where 'views' come to mind, on my binds...
but to make it even more tricky - but some expert may still say, trivial - currently deployed binds of mine do not support "split-horizon"
the easiest way out of which I can think would be to have my binds to simply point to those private/local IPs - here I wonder, as a newbie has to, if that would make DNS protocols unhappy or perhaps I get kicked in the teeth right at start.

thanks, L.

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