On 05/01/2022 8:53 pm, Mark Andrews wrote:
Why should you want them to go away while you still have DS records
referencing them?

You also have a CDS record referencing a DNSKEY that dnssec-policy
doesn’t seem to know about.

sienawx.us.             2892    IN      CDS     49366 8 2
60E3D64328B3D8929838FD1F2AB03CD5C8C72E3185C667B059E00157 D95F8CED

The DS records need to be removed before the DNSKEYs referencing them
go. Also does your registrar support CDS/CDNSKEY or do you need to
manually update the DS records?  Based on
I’d say no


Thanks, Mark. I've cleaned up the DS records in Google, and fixed the sienawx.us CDS issue (it was added by bind at some point, but wasn't in my unsigned zone, so I stopped bind, removed the signed version of the zone, and upped the SOA serial in the unsigned version to higher than what was in the signed version,
and restarted bind).

I also didn't realize I needed to do a rndc dnssec -checkds -key <keyid> withdrawn <domain>.

I did find a manpage bug for the rndc man page for 9.18.2:
 dnssec (-status | -rollover -key id [-alg algorithm] [-when time] |
-checkds [-key id [-alg algorithm]] [-when time] published | withdraw))
       zone [class [view]]


withdraw garners a syntax error :(

Thanks for the inbound clue-by-four.

Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
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