Klaus Darilion via bind-users <bind-users@lists.isc.org> wrote:

> I checked all options of rndc to get the list of zones configured/served by 
> bind - but I can't find any.
> Is it really not possible to get this list from a running Bind process?

The statistics channel is your friend when rndc lets you down. Below I
have pasted a wee script I have lying around, or you might like JP Mens'
bzl program https://github.com/jpmens/bzl


case $# in
(1)     ;;
(*)     echo 1>&2 'usage: lszones <server>[:port]'
        exit 1

curl -Ssf http://$1/json |
        jq '    .views |
                to_entries |
                .[] |
                .key as $view |
                .value.zones[] |
                "\($view) \(.type) \(.serial) \(.name)"

Tony Finch  <f...@isc.org>  (he/they)  Cambridge, England
Fair Isle, Faeroes: South or southwest 5 to 7. Moderate, occasionally
slight, becoming moderate or rough. Occasional rain and fog patches,
showers later in Faeroes. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor.
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