On 15. 11. 22 9:47, Chad Philip Johnson via bind-users wrote:
Greetings all,

I've been chasing my tail over a strange configuration issue and was hoping somebody could point me in the right direction.

I have two forwarders defined in my main 'options' section, but when 'forward first' is enabled all lookups go to the root servers as if forwarding is completely disabled. This behavior is also the same for name lookups that exist in locally defined zones.

When I change the configuration to 'forward only', lookup requests are forwarded and resolved properly, but of course lookup through the root servers is no longer available.

Four systems are exhibiting this issue: two running Rocky Linux 8 with BIND 9.11.26-RedHat-9.11.26-6.el8 (Extended Support Version) <id:3ff8620>, and two running Rocky Linux 9 with BIND 9.16.23-RH (Extended Support Version) <id:fde3b1f>.

My configuration is pretty straightforward and I'm someone who (mostly) knows what he's doing. That said, I might be missing something obvious, or looking at an important detail a bit cross-eyed. I have spent some time searching through various BIND resources and bug reports. I also combed through a few dozen old messages on this mailing list.

If I'm being too brief on configuration details then I can share any and all relevant information, I just didn't want to dump potentially extraneous information into this message.

It would be much easier to debug with configuration file :-)

Please include at least options {} and zone {} configuration for one of the zones which is giving you trouble.

If your config has overlapping subtrees then please include all zone {} definitions from top down.

Petr Špaček
Internet Systems Consortium
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