I have a system running BIND 9.18.17 that needs to transfer a zone from djbdns/axfrdns. I receive FORMERRs, and haven't been able to get any log messages indicating the problem.

xfer-in: info: zone example.net/IN: Transfer started.
xfer-in: info: transfer of 'example.net/IN' from connected using xfer-in: error: transfer of 'example.net/IN' from failed while receiving responses: FORMERR xfer-in: info: transfer of 'example.net/IN' from Transfer status: FORMERR xfer-in: info: transfer of 'example.net/IN' from Transfer completed: 0 messages, 0 records, 0 bytes, 0.008 secs (0 bytes/sec) (serial 0)

This replaced a long obsolete system running 9.8.2 that was able to successfully transfer the zone. I can also successfully transfer the zone with `dig -t axfr ...` from the new system, which gives no errors. named-checkzone on the resulting data also gives no errors, and BIND is able to successfully load it as a primary.

How do I go about finding the cause of the FORMERR and resolve it?

-- Ian
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