(Intentionally posting to the mailing list with that string since that
was the commit message where it occurred. Hopefully this will improve

So, yeah.

I'll take your word for it that Read The Docs can generate PDFs. I'd
appreciate your promise that it generated the version of the doc which
is here: https://downloads.isc.org/isc/bind9/9.18.21/doc/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf
We could talk about the difference in presentation between the HTML and
PDF versions, but it's a matter of taste.

Is this free, and where are the instructions?

According to the commit
you removed "PDF-related bits" from not just the build system, but from
the documentation itself! You removed the instructions that are in the
commit message itself! If your intention was to remove it from the build
system, you went too far.

I looked for this just the other day in the KB. At the least you should
have a KB article. At least there's this post to the mailing list.


Fred Morris

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