Try these
Background info on my setup
- ubuntu/bind9:9.20-24.10_edge docker image . Mainly because internetsystemsconsortium/bind9 don't hame arm64 image.
- test on host port 10053 first, so you can make sure it works while still having whatever is currently using port 53 running (e.g. your non-docker bind9 setup)
- make sure the user owns the directory and is part of "docker" group (in my case, the user name is "user")
$ id
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user),997(docker)
- make sure docker-ce-cli and docker-compose-plugin is installed (if you can run "docker compose", you should be fine already)
- pick a directory (in my case, /data/bind9), make user the user running docker owns it.
- easiest way to setup sub directories for docker volumes: $ mkdir -m 1777 {etc,cache,lib}
- create minimal etc/named.conf
options {
directory "/var/cache/bind";
// needed if your ISP mess with DNS
dnssec-validation no;
- create this compose.yml, then run "docker compose up"
image: ubuntu/bind9:9.20-24.10_edge
command: " -4"
- "10053:53"
- "10053:53/udp"
- etc:/etc/bind
- lib:/var/lib/bind
- cache:/var/cache/bind
driver: local
device: "./etc"
type: none
o: bind
driver: local
device: "./lib"
type: none
o: bind
driver: local
device: "./cache"
type: none
o: bind
- or you can also run
docker run --rm -it --name bind9 \
-e TZ=UTC \
-p 10053:53 -p 10053:53/udp \
-v ./etc:/etc/bind \
-v ./lib:/var/lib/bind \
-v ./cache:/var/cache/bind \
ubuntu/bind9:9.20-24.10_edge \ -4
- to exit, press ctrl-c on the docker / docker compose terminal
- to listen on your ip address port 53, replace "10053:53" with "your_ip_addres:53:53", e.g "". note that you will also need to edit named.conf to allow queries from that subnet
Hi all,
Thanks for taking the time. I've been spending many hours on this, to no
solution. But, some things that may shine more light:
When the container is stuck restarting, the error, aside from exit code
1, is "user 'bind' is not recognised" or something similar, and checking
the container entrypoint "/usr/sbin/named -u bind -f -c
/etc/bind/named.conf", it tries to use the user "bind" to start "named",
but this user is present in the base image (checking /etc/passwd)...
For a long time I wasn't able to find other logs and I resorted to using
a Dockerfile to see if I could control more steps for the image, no help.
So I started off with what works, running a container directly from the
image (doesn't get stuck restarting), and copying the files to it
`docker container cp /config/named.conf
<container_name>:/etc/bind/named.conf` etc., and finally exec'ing into
the container's shell and launching `/usr/sbin/named -u bind -f -g -c
/etc/bind/named.conf`, this showed me that there were some errors in the
config (thanks for the -g heads up), that I could address.
However through docker compose, I still get the "named: user 'bind'
unknown" error.